Disease is a societal and personal matter, as is healing.


Sastimos Holistic Health employs the Rromani sentiment that we ‘borrow’ the earth, alongside our rigourous understandings of Ayurveda and Ecological Herbalism, in our approach to health and healing.

“I am often struck by the dangerous narcissism fostered by spiritual rhetoric that pays so much attention to individual self-improvement and so little to the practice of love within the context of community.

-bell hooks

Ayurveda is a complete and whole healing system from India and loosely translates as the 'science of life'.

In Ayurveda, one is encouraged to focus on healing oneself in order to live one’s dharma. Dharma can be defined as a person’s role in contributing to communal and societal wellness.

Ecological Herbalism incorporates the ideas of respecting both planet and people in the context of herbal medicine.

Sastimos Holistic Health is committed to supporting people in their roles of being stewards to the earth, and by extension, being a steward of one’s own body.


Each person has a job to do to contribute to the overall social, emotional, spiritual, psychological, and physical health of their communities. It’s hard to do one’s part if one is distracted by pain and disease.

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