Holistic Health

‘Your body is precious. It is our vehicle for awakening. Treat it with care’


In accordance with Ayurvedic and Ecological Herbalism tenets, Sastimos Holistic Health will help identify and unravel physical issues by assisting you to understand the intersections of the how the emotional, familial, and societal spheres are impacted and contribute to physical ailments.

We listen with kindness, validate and elucidate, prepare custom herbal formulas, recommend healthy accessible foods and important lifestyle changes. Most importantly, we educate you on how to identify key imbalances in the body and how to rebalance and reverse those effects for the long term.

We support you to untangle how traumas have taken root in the body and instead help you to create a healthy, living counter narrative.

We have experience working with a myriad of physical issues, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, SIBO, PCOS, RA, fibromyalgia, puberty, chronic pain, GERD, liver disorders, asthma, osteoporosis, arthritis, long haul Covid, etc.

We work with new clients for no less than 3 months, as it takes some time to implement healthy protocols and learn new supportive habits.


In alignment with our belief that all bodies and cultures should have access to safe and informed care, we humbly welcome and are committed to providing a safe space to those who identify as trans, non-binary, two spirit, and gender nonconforming. We are also looking forward to a world where we doesn’t have to say this because access for all truly exists in every healthcare space.

Schedule a consult or book a free meet and greet: